Saturday, July 3, 2010


Sorry it has been so long since updating. June was a crazy month and July is just as crazy. This is a run down of June:

June 4: My baby sister graduated high school

June 5: Tim McGraw and Lady Antebellum concert

June 12: Working FishFest (craziest and busiest 17 hour day of my life!)

June 17: My cousin Rachel graduated high school

June 18-20: Road trip up to Oregon for Billy and Kristin's wedding

June 23: Started a new job at a Physical Therapy Office

June 28: Interviewed for a better job

July 6: Offered new job, quit other job.

God has been good and has really been in the whole job search thing. I first interviewed for the physical therapy and was offered the job on the spot. It was a good company and really nice people but the downfall was it was only part-time and low pay (like really low). But I was not going to be picky and I was going to take what God gave me.

The first day I started at the physical therapy place I received a phone call from another company that I had previously applied for. This company job was offering full time + benefits + more money. I scheduled an interview and loved the job and company!
Since the holiday I had to wait to hear back from them so I was very anxious! Then on July 6, I had a 2nd interview and they offered me the job. I of course took it. Then I had to quit at the other place. That was my least favorite part of this whole process but I am so excited to be a "real" working woman now.

Hopefully I'll be better at updating! But thanks for all your prayers about the job stuff!


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