Sunday, February 6, 2011

Un Dia Uno

*If you didn't read the post below you will not understand this post or the other 30 ones :)

Day 01 - A picture of yourself with ten facts

1) I enjoy movies more than the average person.
2) I frequently go to the movies by myself
3) Since graduating college I have begun reading "just for fun" and actually now i average a book per week
4) I rather be in the mountains than the beach
5) I enjoy making situations awkward and I am willing to make myself look like a fool for a good laugh
6) I get antsy when I am in the same routine for too 8-5 jobs don't really suit me :)
7) I frequently dream of moving to different countries such as Italy or Spain
8) I so badly can't wait to be a mom.
9) I have an indescribable passion for music
10) I love a lot of things but I love God the most :)


  1. You should get working on that mom thing ;) lol.

  2. haha. here starts the pregnancy rumors again... ;)
